카테고리 없음

Notice 2013-37, 38 (MoEL) - Eng.,

하악화학 2014. 2. 5. 16:26
Ministry of Employment and Labor public notice no. 2013-37 (Standards on Classification, Labelling and Material Safety Data Sheet) and Ministry of Employment and Labor public notice no. 2013-38 (Standards on Chemical and Physical Factor Exposure) have been amended as of August 14, 2013.

The changes in the amendments are as follows:

Public notice before the amendment
(Announced on January 26, 2012)
Public notice after the amendment
(Announced on August 14, 2013)

Chronic Aquatic Toxicity
1.) Acute aquatic toxicity L(E)C50 value / M factor (Multiplication coefficient)
1.) Acute aquatic toxicity value / M factor (Multiplication coefficient)
2.) Chronic aquatic toxicity NOEC value / Multiplication coefficient M
3. Inclusion of chronic aquatic toxicity classification and chronic aquatic toxicity formula for classification

Chemical that is not classified as category 1 and its kinematic viscosity is lower than 14mm2/s in 40.
Chemical that is not classified as category 1 and its kinematic viscosity is lower than 14mm2/s in 40 and that is considered to be aspiration Hazard based on previously animal test results, surface tension, solubility, boiling point and volatility.

Standards on Chemical and Physical Factor Exposure
Cadmium and Arsenic Trioxide are included in Occupational exposure limits list
Cadmium and Arsenic Trioxide are excluded from Occupational exposure limits list